Friday, 6 December 2019
StoryPal Demo | StoryPal Google AMP Visual Stories Builder StoryPal Demo | StoryPal Google AMP Visual Stories Builder: StoryPal is a visual storytelling SaaS software for the open web, that expanded the new Google AMP Stories Technology – which provides content publishers with a mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories. Thanks for watching this StoryPal Demo ================================== StoryPal Demo, StoryPal Review, StoryPal Bonuses, StoryPal Software Review, StoryPal Upsells, StoryPal Tutorials, StoryPal Stories, StoryPal Bonuses, Get StoryPal, Purchase StoryPal, StoryPal YouTube, StoryPal Reviews ================================== StoryPal Features: Create stories from scratch, templates, any website URL or RSS feeds in minutes. Leverage’s Google’s AMP Story platform for easy top search engine rankings that get tons of FREE traffic No website or hosting required when you use StoryPal Huge demands for website stories over scrolling articles – Opportunities for content publishers and website owners Everything is fully customizable and you can even add CTAs to stories ================================== What Is StoryPal All About? In the last couple of years, “Stories” has become wildly popular on Snapchat and Instagram, so much so that Facebook declared it’ll focus more on Stories than the news feed. Even as Stories rose in popularity to become the most sought-after format, it had remained locked in the walled gardens of social media apps. But now the format has become available for the open Web, thanks to AMP Stories, an initiative by Google. Now even you can publish Instagram-like Stories on your own website – Powered By StoryPal! Web stories score high on web performance as well as user engagement metrics and prove to be a futuristic content format that’s set to rule the web. ================================== StoryPal Pricing + Upsells FE :StoryPal $37 UPSELL #1: StoryPal PRO – $67 UPSELL #2: Deluxe Upgrade – $97 UPSELL #3: Whitelabel Rights – $197 ================================== #storypaldemo #storypalbonuses #storypalreview Social Media Playlist: More Reviews: Share This StoryPal Video: