Monday 12 January 2015

Emergency Affiliate Cash Storm | STOP Before You Buy This

Emergency Affiliate Cash Storm is a relaunched product that Kristie Chiles released previously. It is a course based on one of Kristies case studies where she took a sub niche, created a couple of very simple to do videos and generated over $500 in commissions.

Inside she reveals her secret sub niche and the company that she used as an affiliate program and step by step details on how to create videos and what is needed to create them.

There are a couple of things I like about this course, other than being straight to the point. Firstly, it's so easy to do. Kristies has done most of the research for you and provides you with all the details of the content she used in this process. The other thing I liked about it is that it's over the shoulder video training and you get to see how Kristie did the research and put together the whole campaign really quickly.

The videos are short and get straight into the action, the main pdf is a cool 67 pages long so you get right into the action from the start and not left hanging waiting for the good stuff to start.

Who Can Use This?

There is no experience limit on this course. The step by step training makes this so easy for anyone to follow and implement, no matter what your experience level.

Other Points Of Interest

Before I sign off from this brief review, I would like to add that the business model that Kristie has put forward is a pretty cool one. You don't have to stick to the sub niche provided, you can take the business model that the course is built around and scale it up into a variety of sub niches, which gives you far more reach and opportunity with the course.

You can visit the sales page and get more details about the course by following this link : Emergency Affiliate Cash Storm Official Website